Prison Plasma Newspost

Prison Plasma releases on August 5th at

3 PM EDT / 12 PM PDT / 8 PM BST!

Join our Discord at to interact with the community and participant in key alls!! and giveaways

What is being reset

Everything is being reset apart from Kits, Ranks or Permanent Perks. If you have bought anything within the last two weeks contact us on to get these items next season.

Release Details

New Spawn

To celebrate, we have a brand new spawn! Ready your pickaxe to mine your way through this breezy pocket of the galaxy!

Gang Pickaxe Update

Three new upgrades, Cash Flow, Token Rain and XP Shower are making their way to Prison Plasma. Your Money, Token and Experience outputs will increase when you are mining with your gang members!

Automine Buff

Afking with your gang members in /automine will give a boost to tokens!

Visual Enhancements

This season brings visual improvements to various part of the game. Moonrocks will now fly from the sky to your location. Fish will now jump out at you when you reel them in at /warp fishing. And the Leprechaun enchant will spawn a wonderful rainbow above the player!

Gang Boosters

Gang Boosters will give increases to Money, Token and XP earned to everyone within gangs when they are activated.

Crystal Fusion

Players will now be able to combine unused Crystal Armour into Armour Enhancements. These enhancements will increase the various buffs on your Crystal Armour when applied.

Gang Mission Improvements

Gang Missions will now be shared between gang members, and the number of gang members within the gang will determine the requirements for the challenges!

Crystal Karen

Players will now be able to convert their crystal at /warp boss and summon Crystal Karen. This boss will give rewards to the top three players who deal the most damage!

New Enchants

We are adding four new enchants to this season.

  • Rooted: Has a chance to spawn trees within the mine which produce moss, mining this moss will give a large amount of tokens
  • Infestation: When activated, silverfish will spawn around the player, then enter the ground and will break blocks until they hit the edges of the mine. These will give tokens if exposed by the player.
  • Reburying the Dead: Has a chance to spawn zombies around the player that travel to the very bottom of the mine, which will mine blocks as they go.
  • Super Star: When activated rainbow particles will appear above the player. All your enchants will have an increased chance of procing


/Levels is coming to Prison Plasma. When players reach certain vote and playtime milestones they will be able to get epic rewards from /levels

Login and Playtime Rewards

Prison Plasma introduces login and playtime rewards. Logging in and reaching certain playtime milestones will reward amazing rewards by doing /deliveryman. Each rank and Nitro boosting offers their own unique rewards. Sync your Minecraft and Discord accounts at to reclaim these rewards.

Pickaxe Level Rewards

Leveling up your pickaxe will now provide amazing buffs.

  • Level 125: Greed has a sell buff of 25%
  • Level 250: Greed has a sell buff of 30%
  • Level 375: The Crystal in the first crystal slot will get a boost of +0.05
  • Level 500: The Crystal in the second crystal slot will get a boost of +0.05
  • Level 750: The Crystal in the Third crystal slot will get a boost of +0.05
  • Level 1000: Token Greed will give more tokens

Minor changes

We're making the following Changes:

  • ./pm has been changed to /pmax
  • /g maxprestige has been added. Its /pmax for gangs
  • Warp Vet, Stats and GKits have been added to the /warps menu.
  • Blocks generated from enchants such as Midas Touch and Rooted when broken by Hammer will give the person who spawned them the items
  • Duo enchant has been changed to mine the opposite layer to the one the player is mining when it activates
  • Wishing Well, Lucky Hook, Leprechaun, Locksmith have been buffed
  • Hammer will now cost 800 tokens, Token greed will now cost 600 tokens and Fortune will now cost 400 Tokens
  • Fishing has received a balancing change.

Payouts and Competition

Gang Prestige Top (/gtop)

Players with the highest Gang Prestige will recieve the following

  1. $100 Buycraft
  2. $75 Buycraft
  3. $50 Buycraft
  4. $40 Buycraft
  5. $35 Buycraft

Player Prestige Top (/gtop)

Players with the highest Player Prestige will recieve the following

  1. $30 Buycraft
  2. $20 Buycraft
  3. $10 Buycraft

Block Top (/btop)

Players who break the most blocks will recieve the following

  1. $30 Buycraft
  2. $20 Buycraft
  3. $10 Buycraft

Pass Top (/passtop)

Players with the highest Galaxy Pass level will recieve the following

  1. $10 Buycraft
  2. $7.5 Buycraft
  3. $5 Buycraft

Fishing Top (/ftop) [FIRST WEEK]

Players who reel in the most fish will recieve the following

  1. 3x Plasma Lootboxes
  2. 2x Plasma Lootboxes
  3. 1x Plasma Lootboxes

Nitro Rewards

Did you know you can get a load of perks just by boosting us on Discord? If you already have a Nitro subscription you get two free boosts included! Below are just some of the amazing perks you will receive upon boosting.

  • 1x Nitro Lootbox (available in game via /reclaim once per season).
  • In-game Pink Diamond on your display name.
  • In-game Nitro Boosting line in your hover over display name.
  • In-game Nitro Cosmetics (/cosmetics).
  • Extra Deliveryman Rewards (/deliveryman).
  • Nitro Booster role in Discord.
  • Nitro Booster badge next to your name in Discord.
  • Your name will be displayed on the side bar in our Discord under the Nitro Booster heading!


We're looking forward to another great season, good luck to everyone in contention for our prize pool!

~ Vortex Staff Team